EIL Bombay Celebrates Human Rights Day

The Experiment in International Living (EIL) – Bombay Chapter, celebrated Human Rights Day during its 10th General Meeting on 23rd January, 2018. Presided by Community Chairperson, Dr. Lily Mistry and hosted by Viraf Mistry; Director, Vispi Dastur  enumerated the importance of Human Rights Day, followed by Chief Guest and Keynote Speaker, Ruby Lilaowala, who shared her experiences and […]

EIL Wins The ‘Best Center Trophy’

The Experiment in International Living (EIL) – Bombay Center, Community Chairperson (CC) 2014 – 2016, Viraf K Mistry received the ‘Best Center Trophy’ for the year 2015–2016, in Tashkent,  Uzbekistan. The trophy was received by the Bombay Center after several years, under the leadership of Mistry and his team, with Bombay Center scoring 697 points, followed […]