Return To Roots – The Zoroastrian Homecoming!

Return to Roots, the five-year old Zoroastrian youth-oriented global initiative is gaining momentum worldwide, with an increasing number of Zoroastrians showing an interest to participate in the movement which seeks to strengthen community identity amongst Zoroastrian youth the world over, by reconnecting them with our culture and past glories. Launched at the North American Zoroastrian […]

It’s Wedding Time

Weddings are coming, weddings are coming, Jewelers, caterers, couturiers are coming too, Designer dresses, shoes by Choo Antique sarees, Gold-rich kors, resplendent garas, Chocker sets and old-time vaaras Pagris and daglis fine. It’s time to wine and dine There are songs in the air, There’s joy everywhere ‘cause it’s the wedding time. Come September (Not […]

Shark Attack!

Two years ago, TVS showcased its Akula (Shark, in Russian) concept motorcycle which enamoured enthusiasts with its aggressive stance. The wait is finally over. On December 6, 2017, TVS Motor launched its most advanced and expensive product till date – the TVS Apache RR 310. The RR 310 incidentally is also the first fully faired […]

Valsad Parsi Anjuman To Allow Inter-Married Parsi Women Entry Into Religious Place Of Worship, Under Supreme Court’s Urging

  In a path-breaking initiative by the Hon’ble Supreme Court, on 14th December, 2017, the Valsad Parsi Anjuman Trust, on the urging of the apex court, has reconsidered its earlier stand and taken a progressive step by allowing inter-married Parsi women, Goolrukh Gupta and her sister Shiraz Patodia, into the tower of silence to perform […]