Karmic Love

Love is the irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired! Feelings of love can make or break us and this is as true today as it was in the very first century BC, when Virgil exclaimed, “Love conquers everything!” Love makes us feel wanted, cherished and part of something larger than ourselves. It makes us feel […]

Caption This – 31st October

Calling all our readers to caption this picture! Winning Caption and Winner’s Name Will Be Published Next Week. Send in your captions at editor@parsi-times.com by 4th November, 2020. WINNER: Hardik: What energy drinks give you such power? Pls share the concoction! Pollard: It ain’t no concoction, buddy! It’s all about the auction! – By Kaiwan […]

North American Institute of Zoroastrian Studies Launched

The North American Institute of Zoroastrian Studies was recently launched, as an educational arm of the North American Mobeds Council (NAMC), thanks to Rohinton Rivetna’s initiative in drafting the initial charter, and to NAMC (President – Er. Arda-e-viraf Minocherhomjee) for their resolution to carry the proposal forward.  NAMC Vice-President, Er. Tehemton Mirza would be setting up […]