ડો. કાવારાણાને શ્રધ્ધાંજલિ

24મી જૂન 2017ને દિને ડો. કેકુ કાવારાણા 76 વરસના અગ્રણી ઓરથોપેડિક સર્જન બ્રીચ કેન્ડી હોસ્પિટલમાં અવસાન પામ્યા. 22મી જૂન ગુરૂવારે તેમના મલબાર હિલના રહેઠાણ ખાતે તેઓ સુઈ ગયા હતા ત્યારે અચાનક આગ ફાટી નીકળી હતી અને ધુમાડાના ઈન્હેલેશનના લીધે તેઓનું મૃત્યુ થવા પામ્યું હતું. મેડિકલ સોર્સે જણાવ્યું કે ડો. કાવારાણા જ્યારે હોસ્પિટલમાં દાખલ કરાયા હતા […]

Rex In The City

Help your dog adjust to life in the city. Arena, a beautiful German Shepherd, was put up for adoption when she was just ten months old. Her vice? Barking too much when left alone at home. The pup was bought to complete the family, but with both owners out all day, the energetic, young dog […]

Chomp And Cheers- Monsoon Special Recipes For Our Readers!

Spicy Dhaba Mutton Ingredients: 500 grams Mutton, cut into pieces; 5 cloves Garlic, finely chopped; 2 Onions, finely chopped; 3/4 cup Yoghurt (Curd); 1 tbsp. Cumin Powder; 1 tbsp. Coriander Powder; 4 Cloves; Cooking oil, as required; 3 Green Chillies, (adjust according to your taste); 1 tsp. Ginger, grated; Coriander Leaves, few Sprigs, finely chopped; 2 Tomatoes, finely chopped; 2 Bay Leaves; 3 Cardamom; 1 tbsp. Red Chilli […]

Know Your Bombay

Mani Bhavan: Located at Gamdevi, South Mumbai, Mani Bhavan is a two-storey building, which served as Gandhiji’s Bombay head-quarters for seventeen long and eventful years (1917-1934). Owned by Revashankar Jagjeevan Jhaveri, Gandhi’s friend and host during that period, the building attracts tourists globally view the room Gandhiji occupied; the Picture Gallery, Library Hall and the […]

RIP Dr. Kavarana

On 24th June, 2017, Dr. Kekoo Kavarana, our prominent 76-year-old veteran orthopaedic surgeon, passed away at the Breach Candy Hospital, succumbing to severe smoke inhalation injuries – the result of a fire breaking out at his residence at Malabar Hill, while he was asleep on 22nd June (Thursday). Medical sources explained that Dr. Kavarana was admitted to […]

TPZA Celebrates Dae Mahino Jasan

The Thane Parsi Zoroastrian Anjuman celebrated their Dae Mahino Jasan ceremony at the Cowasji Patell Agiary, Thane, on 3rd June, 2017, followed by a Humbandagi conducted by Er. Behramsha Sidhwa. The evening witnessed a talk on ‘Manomanthan to Manoranjan’ by Guest Speaker, Prof. Dr. Firdaus Shroff. Prof. Dr. Shroff was felicitated with a bouquet of flowers […]

Letters To The Editor

From Dadabhai’s Descendants Noshir Dadrawala writes beautifully in his article on Dadabhai Naoroji to commemorate the Grand Old Man’s death centenary in his usual, fluid style. The photo in this article of June 24, 2017 issue shows Dadabhai writing with his left hand. Was he a leftie? Also, how many of you know that Dadabhai’s tea […]