On 24th March, 2017, numerous Zoroastrians flocked to the Radio Club Pier in Colaba to worship Avan Ardavisur Banu on the occasion of Ava Yazad Parab. The celebrations commenced with twenty-one mobeds performing a jasan, headed by Vada Dasturji of Udvada, Khurshed Dastoor, with a special reference to a prayer from the Ardavisur Niyaish, followed […]
Tag: Parsi Times
Life As Pleasure
Life is pleasure, they say, who preach that human self is nothing more than the sum total of desires and appetites and passions and the object of life is to attain their gratification. They live well, who derive maximum of pleasure out of life. Let all therefore enjoy as long as life endures. There […]
Meherbai And The Single Burning Question
It was Sheroo’s birthday. She was Meherbai’s neighbour and the birthday-girl personally did all the chowk-chadan-toran-sagan herself before carrying a silver tray containing sev-dahi-banana and a boiled egg covered with a delicate embroidered muslin. Sheroo desperately wanted to get married and ever since she was 20, her parents, friends and match-makers (kaj-walis who were themselves spinsters) showed […]
Men Of La Mummo-Chachcho
I am surprised, nay shocked, Meherbai and her vociferous, or is it voracious, baug-brigade has not censured all the verbal diarrhoea that is being spewed out by the so-called leaders of our destiny, of our Bharat, i.e. India. Hungry for power, these leaders(?) use a language that would make a sailor blush! Elections seem to […]
‘YATHA AHU VAIRYO’ – As Explained By Zarathushtra
The following excerpt shares Zarathushtra explaining the meaning and significance of the omnipotent, ‘Yatha Ahu Vairyo’ prayer. The heart and the core of the Ahunavar or the Yatha Ahu Vairyo prayer is Spitama Zarathushtra, for His life is the living expression of this prayer, which centers around eternal truth, love and service to mankind. Zarathushtra […]
Meherbai And The Story Of ‘25 Slaps’
At their usual Chai-pe-Charcha session, this time at the US Club at Colaba, Meherbai’s Mandli drove the waiter crazy (so what’s new?) with each one ordering a different dish and different preferences ranging from “Don’t put salt!”, “Put more salt!”, “No Ajinomoto in the soup!”, ” Yes, more Ajinomoto!”, “Make it sweet!”, “No sugar please!”, […]
Convocation Ceremony at Gamadia Girls’ High School
On 24th March, 2017, the Bai M N Gamadia Girls’ High School held a delightful convocation ceremony for its Pre-Primary and Primary sections. The excitement of the young tots was palpable and infectious, as they readied themselves in the morning to participate in numerous enchanting programs, competitions and awards, organised ably by the dynamic principal of the school, […]
Sacramento Zoro Assn. Inaugurates Dar-E-Mehr
The Sacramento Zoroastrian Association (SZA) inaugurated its new Dar-E-Mehr on March 26, 2017, sharing its founding day with the inauguration of New York’s Dar-E-Mehr, exactly one year ago. The SZA is the latest member association of FEZANA (Federation of Zoroastrian Associations of North America) and its Dar-E-Mehr marks the third religious place of worship to […]
A Tribute To Jai Godrej
“If you find your task is hard, Try again, Time will bring you your reward, Try again, All that other folks can do Why with patience, May not you? Only keep this rule in view, Try again.” – Jai Godrej The centenary celebrations of Jai Godrej’s birth anniversary, hosted by the Godrej clan, took place […]
Navroz At JJ Hospital’s Parsi Ward
The Parsi Ward at JJ Hospital celebrated Jamshedi Navroz for the 30th consecutive year on 21st March, 2017, with a jasan ceremony attended by 45 residents along with guests and relatives. Yasmin Mistry opened the event, welcoming all. Chairman of the Bombay Parsi Punchayet, Yazdi Desai, spoke in appreciation of the selfless efforts of the […]
ZTFI’S Navroz Special Celebrations
On March 25, 2017, ZTFI (Zoroastrian Trust Fund Of India) celebrated the Navroz Special ‘Feed-A-Family’ program, beginning with a fun game of Housie and prizes for winners, post which the talented beneficiaries regaled everyone sportingly with song and dance. ‘MY WISH’, ZTFI’s initiative by Trustee Yasmin Mistry, which monthly rewards three lucky beneficiaries with branded […]