Mumbai’s Delnaz Balsara Sharma, who was crowned the First Runner-Up in the national, prestigious ‘MRS. INDIA SHE IS INDIA 2018’ Pageant (July 2018), represented Asia as ‘MRS. ASIA UNIVERSE’, at the prestigious MRS. UNIVERSE 2018 Pageant, where she did our community, our country and our continent proud, being awarded the sub-title of ‘MRS. UNIVERSE BRILLIANT […]

Mumbai Gears For Live ABBA Tribute Show

Thrilling audiences throughout the world with their stunning tribute to one of the most successful musical acts of all time, internationally acclaimed PLATINUM – The Live ABBA Tribute Show has firmly established itself in the super-league of tribute entertainment… their ABBA Tribute Show is the number one ABBA act. The London Evening Standard claims that PLATINUM, are “better than the original”! This ABBA band […]

Education Awards 2018 Ceremony By BBRWA

Bharucha Baug Residents’ Welfare Association (BBRWA), organised ‘Education Awards’ on 1st December, 2018, to encourage young students and felicitate teachers for their contribution towards this noble profession. The event witnessed fifty students from Bharucha Baug and fifteen teachers felicitated with certificates, medals, cash prizes and trophies. Attended by Chief Guest, Yazdi Desai and wife, Anahita Desai; […]

Let Not My Faith In Thee Be Feeble And Faint, Ahura Mazda – Excerpts From ‘Homage Unto Ahura Mazda’

Faith is belief in the unseen and unknown. The fabric of religion lives by faith. Faith is the foundation of prayer, as belief is the foundation of religion. Faith beholds light in darkness. Faith soars above time and space. Faith knows no bounds. Faith soars unscaled heights and dives into unfathomable depths. Faith does not […]