A WZCC Webinar Featuring Sam Balsara and Lara Balsara Vajifdar WZCC- Building the Spirit of Entrepreneurship, Dubai Chapter, organized a webinar on 19th December, 2020, titled, ‘Surviving and Thriving – Against All odds’ with charismatic speakers – the dynamic Chairman of Madison World – Sam Balsara and the inspirational Executive Director of Madison World – […]
Tag: Volume 10-Issue 37
Let Us Be The Harbingers Of Good Will To All
Let not my faith in human nature be ever shaken, even when man falters and fails. My faith in human nature strengthens my faith in Thee. I see Thy image, Creator of mine, in myself, but so is it in my neighbor, also. Thou art enthroned in every human heart. Let us then, meet one […]
What A Blessed Year!
“Are you ever burdened with a load of care? Does the load seem heavy that you are called to bear? Count your many blessing angels will attend, Help and comfort give you to your journeys end. Count your blessings name them one by one Count your blessings see what God has done Count your blessings […]
TechKnow With Tantra: GQueues – Tasks / To-Do Lists
GQueues from Google is a full-featured task manager for your Google Account that helps you stay organized, be more productive and reduce stress in your life. Accessible from cell phone and the web, it integrates Google Calendar and task-attachments can be stored in Google Drive. You could set reminders for tasks with due dates, create subtasks […]
The Power Of Positivity!
Infinite riches are all around you if you’ll open your mental-eyes and see the treasure-house within you from which you can extract everything you need to live your life joyously and abundantly. Many of us are fast asleep with their mental-eyes shut and hence, they are blissfully unaware of this goldmine of boundless treasure within them. […]
Super Starters To Kick In New Year’s Eve!
STIR FRIED CHILLI CHICKEN Ingredients: 2-3 Tbsp Oil 4 garlic cloves, chopped 3-4 red and green chillies, chopped 1 cup boneless chicken (cut into bite sized uniform pieces) 2 tsp chilli sauce 4 tsp tomato puree A dash of soy sauce 1 tsp sugar 7-8 basil leaves 2-3 Spring onion greens chopped Method: In a […]
Light Up That Positive Spark!
As the year draws to a close, most of us reflecting back on the year that introduced us to the ‘new normal’ cannot help but wonder what tidings 2021 will bring. Yes, we’ve struggled and faced challenges and even great loss. But whatever’s happened, it’s important that this year ends on a positive note, so […]
Celebrating Faith And Hope in 2021!
If there was ever a year in living memory that we could term ‘annus horribilis’, it would inarguably be 2020. No astrologer even remotely predicted this! In fact, most predictions were au contraire, on how wonderful this year would be. Sadly, there’s been immense loss of life and livelihood. But despite the gloom, what has […]
Yazdi Desai Tenders Resignation As BPP Chairman
On 23rd December, 2020, BPP Chairman, Yazdi Desai put in his papers to the BPP Board, announcing his resignation from his post, as the frontman of the community’s apex body. Having suffered a stroke earlier this year in April, he is yet to make a complete recover. With his full recovery taking longer than anticipated, […]
Community, BPP Governance Suffer Under Rule Of ‘Reckless Majority’
‘There is nothing uglier than an unrighteous and foolish majority’ – Mehmet Murat ildan, Author of the two-act play, ‘Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi’. About two and a half months ago, BPP Trustee Kersi Randeria had requested all his colleague trustees to give a thought to and plan for the elections to fill the vacancy caused by […]