PT Quiz

Are You A Dog Person or A Cat Person? Find out by taking this fun and easy quiz… Do you enjoy staying outdoors? (Y / N) Would you feel uncomfortable/avoid keeping a litter box inside your home? (Y / N) Do you like going for walks? (Y / N) Are you non-judgmental and unassuming by […]

Good Going, BPP!

Dear Editor, It indeed is a landmark in the annals of BPP, that in a short phase, after having shouldered the onerous responsibility as trustees, the superb team led by Shri Yazdi Desai, has pulled off a hat-trick of sorts. Just marvelous! Admirably, week after week there happens to be a constant flow of allotment […]

XYZ Is Truly MAD!

Following in the footsteps of the enterprising founder of XYZ (Xtremely Young Zoroastrians), Hoshaang Gotla, twelve do – gooders from XYZ’s ‘Behram’s Battalion’ troupe, organized a newspaper collection drive on June 5, around Dadar. They convinced neighbors to hand over old newspapers and books, accumulating a total of 203 kgs, in a span of two […]

Kudos To Our Bright Sparks!

Parsi Times congratulates all the bright sparks in our community who have scored excellent percentages and done their families, friends and the community proud! We wish each of you the very best in the future! Shanaya Rayoman Engineer of Holy Cross Convent High School, Kolhapur scored 95.4% in the SSC examinations, 2016. Shanaya’s passions include […]