From The Editor’s Desk

The Perfect Surprise! Dear Readers, It was indeed surprising to all in our community when we got to know that our Vada Dasturji Khurshed Dastoor would be filling in the prestigious position of Parsi Member on the National Commission of Minorities. What a perfect surprise! Vada Dasturji Khurshed Dastoor, the youngest of our high-priests, who […]

Happy Birthday PT

Today, Parsi Times steps into its seventh year of publication. Staring in a small way under its previous editor, Freyan Bhathena, the Weekly has become extremely popular under the present editor, Anahita Subedar. With meaningful editorials and a team of versatile writers, Parsi Times affords the most interesting reading for the community Saturday after Saturday: […]

From The Editor's Desk

From The Editor’s Desk

Happy Birthday To PT! Dear Readers, As Parsi Times completes a successful sixth year and sets foot into its glorious seventh orbit, on behalf of all at Parsi Times, I thank you – our ardent readers and steadfast supporters – for your boundless encouragement, high-spirited participation and invaluable guidance through this momentous journey. Thanks to […]

Convocation Ceremony at Gamadia Girls’ High School

On 24th March, 2017, the Bai M N Gamadia Girls’ High School held a delightful convocation ceremony for its Pre-Primary and Primary sections. The excitement of the young tots was palpable and infectious, as they readied themselves in the morning to participate in numerous enchanting programs, competitions and awards, organised ably by the dynamic principal of the school, […]