To our madam editor Anahita, like the Swam of the Avon, ‘Brevity is the soul of wit’. Yours sincerely, when it comes to brevity, is like Big Moose of Archie comics – I am d-uh! Anahita likes everything short and sweet, as I used to hear yet another intellectual editor, Adi Marazban say “tukku ne […]
Tag: Anahita Subedar
From The Editor’s Desk
New! New!! New!!! Dear Readers, Having danced away the monsoons with the Navratris, it’s time to ring in the new season! So, on we head, looking forward to welcoming the winters… Umm… let me rephrase that – looking forward to welcoming the ‘not-that-hot’ time of the year. So maybe ‘Bombay Winters’ is an oxymoron, but […]
From The Editor’s Desk
Solidarity: The Need Of The Hour Dear Readers, One of the strongest similarities today between our nation and our community is the need for solidarity. Now, more than ever, we need to unite firmly in both our fundamental capacities – as Indian citizens and as members of our beloved community. As citizens, we need to […]
From The Editor’s Desk
Dear Readers, Our Bombay has been on high-alert, due to possible terrorist penetration reported in Uran, since Thursday (two days ago) and I’m hoping that by the time you read this article, the situation would have sorted itself out safely, without any harm done to life or property. It’s scary because we’ve been there not […]
From The Editor’s Desk
Dear Readers, A flurry of written, audio and video messages have been thronging our cell phones and social media platforms all week – as the unfortunate incident of physical assault on a BPP Trustee that took place on 8th September, outside a Courtroom, refuses to die out. It was a deplorable act, one that made […]
From The Editor’s Desk
Dear Readers, Yes, the politics is back, Just when we thought things are finally moving, we seem to be hitting a stalemate again. And no points for guessing who gets sacrificed at the political altar – as always – the community. And as boring, repetitive and sordid as we may find the details, it is […]
From The ED’s Desk
Dear Readers, Most of us know we are made for greater things – we could be way bigger and better than where we are at now. Yet something keeps us back from reaching higher, something we’re aware of within ourselves, but can’t seem to put our finger on. And when we share this with our […]
Parsipanu – Kindness And Grace
Dear Readers, The past six months as Editor has been a fabulous journey. I’m grateful to have grown in knowledge of detailed insights into our religion, culture, traditions, but most importantly, our people. And it is with the intention of celebrating the spirit of our people, that the Parsi Times team decided on ‘Parsipanu’ as […]
From The Editor’s Desk
Dear Readers, As we enter the final days of the year before we herald in our Navu Varas, let’s pause for just a bit and take quick stock of the year gone by. Was it a good year for you? Don’t let this question send you into calculation mode. I’m not talking numbers and money […]
From The Editor’s Desk
Dear Readers, The week started off on a bit of a somber note with the Indian Census showing a frightful 18% decline in the Parsi population, “from 69,401 we are now 57,000 only” writes Dr. Shernaz Cama, Director of the UNESCO PARZOR Project. With over 80% of all Parsis living in Mumbai, it is here […]
From The Editor’s Desk
Let Go! Dear Readers, We are nature worshippers. We pray to the forces of nature and we learn from them. Being primarily fire-worshippers, our sanctum sanctorum holds fire or ‘Atash Padshah Saheb’ as we respectfully and lovingly beseech it. Fire teaches us purity, and thereby virtues like truth and goodness. And we venerate numerous water […]