In keeping with its efforts to promote matrimony within the community, the Bombay Parsi Punchayet (BPP) held an ‘Alliance Quest Picnic’ on April 09th, 2017 at the Royal Garden Resort in Mumbai. Over 40 participants attended this fun-filled picnic, with some picked-up from three different locations. The enthusiastic youngsters came from all Mumbai city, distant […]
Tag: BPP
BPP Connect
HOUSING: The much awaited Order of the Supreme Court in the matter of Parsi Lying-in Hospital was received last month. In a sense, the Supreme Court Order was rather inconsequential as, by then, the expert Hospital Management Company, Krimson Health Ventures Pvt. Ltd, had withdrawn from the deal, being frustrated by the unnecessary protracted litigation. […]
Men Of La Mummo-Chachcho
I am surprised, nay shocked, Meherbai and her vociferous, or is it voracious, baug-brigade has not censured all the verbal diarrhoea that is being spewed out by the so-called leaders of our destiny, of our Bharat, i.e. India. Hungry for power, these leaders(?) use a language that would make a sailor blush! Elections seem to […]
Navroz At JJ Hospital’s Parsi Ward
The Parsi Ward at JJ Hospital celebrated Jamshedi Navroz for the 30th consecutive year on 21st March, 2017, with a jasan ceremony attended by 45 residents along with guests and relatives. Yasmin Mistry opened the event, welcoming all. Chairman of the Bombay Parsi Punchayet, Yazdi Desai, spoke in appreciation of the selfless efforts of the […]
Gala Eve At Parukh Dharamshalla
The F S Parukh Dharamshalla, run under the aegis of the Bombay Parsi Punchayet, organized a fun filled gala evening for over a hundred of its residents on 9th January, 2017, where the ‘Queen’ and ‘King’ of the Dharamshalla, as well as the ‘Dancing Queen’ and ‘Dancing King’ were declared, amidst great cheer and excitement! […]
“We Will Not Respond” Say BPP’s 4 Majority Trustees “We Are Trustees, Not Politicians!”
In October 2015, the community voted for us, putting their faith in our ability to work together and deliver. But the community has been disappointed and dismayed at the manner in which the much needed work for its welfare has been brought to a grinding halt, due to the building disunity amongst the Trustees. For […]
Letters To The Editor
Clarification From BPP I make a reference to an article published by an undisclosed author in Mumbai Samachar dated 18th December 2016 on Parsi Darshan page as well as a voice recording between Mr. Dinshaw Mehta, Ex-Chairman, Bombay Parsi Punchayet and one Mr. Jamshed Irani being circulated on WhatsApp wherein certain allegations have been made […]
Dubious Manipulation And Double Standards
As of the 15th of December, 2016, 11 hearings have been held and the number of questions asked on cross examination stand at 139! As of yesterday, the 16th of December, 2016, 12 sessions of cross-examination of Yazdi Desai by Dinshaw Mehta’s lawyer were completed and the number of questions asked so far is 161!! […]
BPP Connect
BPP’s Stand On ‘The Heritage Walk’ At Doongerwadi Since 2007, every year, an educational heritage walk is organized at Doongerwadi for students of Wilson College who study Comparative Religions. This walk is organized by their Parsi college professor and is conducted by Ervad Dr. Ramiyar Karanjia, Principal of the Dadar Athornan Madressa. Since last year, […]
BPP Parts Ways With ZYNG
On 29th November, 2016, the Bombay Parsi Punchayet (BPP) decided to peacefully part ways with its seven-year old youth wing, ZYNG, via a majority vote based on the motion proposed by Trustee Noshir Dadrawala and supported by Chairman Yazdi Desai and Trustee Kersi Randeria. Since this was trustee Zarir Bhathena’s first meeting after his recovery […]
“Enough Is Enough! Please Let Us Work!”
Say BPP’s Majority Trustees
In a path-breaking development taking place at the Bombay Parsi Punchayet (BPP), the four majority Trustees – Chairman Yazdi Desai and Trustees Noshir Dadrawala, Kersi Randeria and Zarir Bhathena – have taken a positive and bold step to resolve the problem of Housing for over 30 families of our community, who were kept waiting to […]