BPP Connect

HOUSING: The much awaited Order of the Supreme Court in the matter of Parsi Lying-in Hospital was received last month. In a sense, the Supreme Court Order was rather inconsequential as, by then, the expert Hospital Management Company, Krimson Health Ventures Pvt. Ltd, had withdrawn from the deal, being frustrated by the unnecessary protracted litigation. […]

Men Of La Mummo-Chachcho

I am surprised, nay shocked, Meherbai and her vociferous, or is it voracious, baug-brigade has not censured all the verbal diarrhoea that is being spewed out by the so-called leaders of our destiny, of our Bharat, i.e. India. Hungry for power, these leaders(?)  use a language that would make a sailor blush! Elections seem to […]

BPP Connect

BPP’s Stand On ‘The Heritage Walk’ At Doongerwadi Since 2007, every year, an educational heritage walk is organized at Doongerwadi for students of Wilson College who study Comparative Religions. This walk is organized  by their Parsi college professor and is conducted by Ervad Dr. Ramiyar Karanjia, Principal of the Dadar Athornan Madressa. Since last year, […]