Happy B’day Parsi Times!!

“With the Blessings of Ahuramazda and Iranshah I heartily congratulate your publication on the completion of 7 glorious years. As you celebrate the joys of today and the memories of yesterday I wish you greater success for tomorrow. May you commit yourselves to excel at guiding and providing significant and enlightening information and entertainment to […]

Seven Is Special And Sacred

Parsi Times completes seven years. Hearty congratulations and what a propitious milestone this is! Seven is indeed a very auspicious number according to several religious and cultural traditions. The number seven is one of the most significant in the Bible. Scholars say it denotes completeness or perfection. After creating the world in six days, which […]

Nowroze Baug Holds All Parsis Tourneys

Nowroze Baug Play Centre (NBPC) organized a series of All Parsis Sepak, Throwball, Direct and Indirect Volleyball Tournament from 4th to 14th April 2018, with over 49 teams putting forth their best over these three tournaments. The Throwball tournament witnessed Malcolm Baug lifting the cup against finalist Marzban Colony, with Friyana of Marzban Colony was […]

Young and Talented NCPA Students Mesmerize All At A Special Concert By The Special Music Training Programme

On 11th April, 2018, the young and highly talented students of the NCPA, between eight and fourteen years of age, took centerstage along with members of the Symphony Orchestra of India, under the tutelage of internationally renowned Music Director, Marat Bisengaliev, at the Tata Theatre, NCPA. The student orchestra enchanted the audience with a spectacular […]

It’s Time To Speak Up!

…… Parsi Times: Why have you finally decided to speak up now? Kersi Randeria: The straight-up answer is – unfortunately, it is election time once again, and the politicians of our community are out in full strength. Their main objective is to perpetually launch vicious, personal attacks on people by running them down. By doing […]