Parsee Gymkhana (PG) conducted its second ‘All Zoroastrian Men and Women Arm Wrestling Competition’, registered and recorded under the Maharashtra Arm Wrestling Association Nagpur, at the gymkhana grounds in Mumbai on 18th November, 2017. Organized by Rustom Jasoomoney, Minoo Khan, Khodadad Yazdegardi and Vivek Chaphekar, and sponsored by Veldon Coats, Wibbs Bakery, Zoroastrian Cooperative Bank, […]
Tag: frontpageslider
ZAAN 2017 Raises A Toast To Our Achievers!
. On the eve of 10th November, 2017, the Parsi/Irani Zoroastrian Community’s glitterati came together at the Garware Club in South Bombay, to celebrate the Zoroastrian Achievers Awards Nite 2017 (ZAAN 2017), presented by the Zoroastrian Trust Funds Of India (ZTFI), with the aim of recognizing and honouring the outstanding achievements of Parsi/Irani Zoroastrians, who […]
Perth Invites You To The 11th World Zoroastrian Congress
. PT: What is the main aim of the World Zoroastrian Congress? How’s the Zoroastrian Community in Perth responding to it? Firoz: The main aim of the WZC is to create and strengthen the bond of Brotherhood amongst all delegates – a hamazori, leading to strong networking of fellow Zoroastrians, exchange of ideas and thoughts, to […]
Bikers’ Date With The Ultimate Fitness Guru – Kaizzad Capadia
“Every man needs a profession, which is preferably his domain of expertise. A profession that he loves, simply because it is a profession that allows his talents to achieve EXCELLENCE. But, what completes him is a HOBBY that he loves with all his heart – a hobby that takes him away from his beloved profession for […]
Revamp Update: Good Progress At Gamadia Boy’s Hostel
For over 80 years now, the Gamadia Boys Hostel at Tardeo, Mumbai, has been providing a safe haven (boarding and lodging) at extremely subsidised prices, to all our young Parsi/Irani boys, especially those who come in from India’s rural and small towns, with ambitions of studying and making a successful career in Mumbai. The hostel […]
Why I Gave Up On Religion And Embraced Spirituality – A Millennial’s Approach
A teenager usually has a myriad chores and obligations that he/she might have to fulfil, be it academic, social or extra-curricular. Religion, spirituality and thought under normal circumstances are of no apparent aid. They appear to be ubiquitously used, yet are paradoxical and loosely defined concepts that seem to be growing seemingly distant from the […]
Centenary Celebrations Of Sanjan Stumbh
16th November, 2017, witnessed the centenary celebrations of Sanjan Day with Community members across India gathering in the jasan hall to commemorate the occasion. Commencing with a jasan ceremony led by Vada Dasturji of Udvada, Khurshed Dastoor at 10am, followed by a Humbandagi at 11am, the celebrations moved to the grounds, where the function continued […]
Your Moonsign Janam Rashi This Week –
11th November, 2017 – 17 November, 2017
મરહુમ મહારાજ શ્રી સ્વયંજ્યોતિના સહકાર્યકર્તા જયેશ એમ. ગોસ્વામી . ARIES | મેષ: અ.લ.ઈ. 25મી ડિસેમ્બર સુધી ગુરૂની દિનદશા ચાલશે તેથી હાલમાં તમે તમારા નાના કામો પણ સમય પર કરી શકશો. નાણાકીય ફાયદો થતો રહેશે. તેને સારી જગ્યાએ ઈનવેસ્ટ કરવામાં કોઈ કસર મુકતા નહીં. ગુરૂની કૃપાથી તમે ધર્મ કે ચેરિટીના કામો સારી રીતે કરશો. નાણાકીય મુસીબતમાં […]
Ayesha Bharucha Wins Deccan Triathlon
Ayesha Bharucha recently won the 1st edition of the Deccan Triathlon, organized by Kolhapur Sports Club on 29th October, 2017. Participating in the Olympic category comprising of 1.5km Swim, 40 km Cycling and 10km Running Ayesha finished 1st in the female category and 10th overall, clocking a time of 2 hours, 49 minutes. The sport […]
NCPA Presents The International Jazz Festival
NCPA will host its first International Jazz Festival with a medley of internationally renowned musicians from November 24th to 26th, 2017. Performances for the Fest kick off with the band ‘Latination’ (Latin and Jazz music); followed by the The Kevin Davy Quintet who will perform music composed by Miles Davis. Fans of Ella Fitzgerald are […]
CM Assures Community
“We Are Proud of Our Parsis, Will Ensure No Religious Structures Or Sentiments Are Hurt,” assures CM Fadnavis. On Thursday, November 9, 2017, at 8:30 pm, two of our Community’s foremost religious leaders and Vada Dasturjis, Firoze Kotwal and Khurshed Dastoor, met with the Maharashtra Chief Minister, Devendra Fadnavis at his bungalow, ‘Varsha’ to discuss […]