Parsee Gymkhana Holds Arm Wrestling Tourney

Parsee Gymkhana (PG) conducted its second ‘All Zoroastrian Men and Women Arm Wrestling Competition’, registered and recorded under the Maharashtra Arm Wrestling Association Nagpur, at the gymkhana grounds in Mumbai on 18th November, 2017. Organized by Rustom Jasoomoney, Minoo Khan, Khodadad Yazdegardi and Vivek Chaphekar, and sponsored by Veldon Coats, Wibbs Bakery, Zoroastrian Cooperative Bank, […]

Why I Gave Up On Religion And Embraced Spirituality – A Millennial’s Approach

A teenager usually has a myriad chores and obligations that he/she might have to fulfil, be it academic, social or extra-curricular. Religion, spirituality and thought under normal circumstances are of no apparent aid. They appear to be ubiquitously used, yet are paradoxical and loosely defined concepts that seem to be growing seemingly distant from the […]

Your Moonsign Janam Rashi This Week –
11th November, 2017 – 17 November, 2017

મરહુમ મહારાજ શ્રી સ્વયંજ્યોતિના સહકાર્યકર્તા જયેશ એમ. ગોસ્વામી . ARIES | મેષ: અ.લ.ઈ. 25મી ડિસેમ્બર સુધી ગુરૂની દિનદશા ચાલશે તેથી હાલમાં તમે તમારા નાના કામો પણ સમય પર કરી શકશો. નાણાકીય ફાયદો થતો રહેશે. તેને સારી જગ્યાએ ઈનવેસ્ટ કરવામાં કોઈ કસર મુકતા નહીં. ગુરૂની કૃપાથી તમે ધર્મ કે ચેરિટીના કામો સારી રીતે કરશો. નાણાકીય મુસીબતમાં […]

CM Assures Community

“We Are Proud of Our Parsis, Will Ensure No Religious Structures Or Sentiments Are Hurt,” assures CM Fadnavis. On Thursday, November 9, 2017, at 8:30 pm, two of our Community’s foremost religious leaders and Vada Dasturjis, Firoze Kotwal and Khurshed Dastoor, met with the Maharashtra Chief Minister, Devendra Fadnavis at his bungalow, ‘Varsha’ to discuss […]