From The Editor’s Desk

This Toxic Sense Of Entitlement Dear Readers, Many times, the solution to a crisis escapes us, hidden beneath its smaller details. As concerned and responsible Parsis/Iranis in India, we are all disturbed about our eminent extinction and disappointed at the slow pace of well-meaning initiatives and solutions. There are other issues which plague our community, […]

Darabsha On Diet

‘Diet’ is a four letter word. It is almost as bad as the word which, when we used to utter it, our dear mothers would threaten to scrub our tongue with soap and butara (a stick broom)! It is a different matter now, with the offending word becoming almost an accepted part of our vocabulary, […]

Raw Muscle Power At Zoroastrian Powerlifting Championship

The fifth Zoroastrian Powerlifting Championship, affiliated with and conducted by The Greater Bombay Powerlifting Association, in collaboration with the Naryman Dubash Foundation, was held at the Dadar Parsee Colony Gymkhana Grounds on Saturday, 8th April, 2017. Sponsored by Zarine and Yazdi Daruvala Trust, The WZO Trust, Late Ervad Hormusji Antia and Dinamai Antia Trust, Shapoorji […]