Darabsha On Diet

‘Diet’ is a four letter word. It is almost as bad as the word which, when we used to utter it, our dear mothers would threaten to scrub our tongue with soap and butara (a stick broom)! It is a different matter now, with the offending word becoming almost an accepted part of our vocabulary, […]

Meherbai’s Mann-Ki-Baat!

  Meherwanji read out a headline from a newspaper to Meherbai which said, ‘Short naps can make you happier.’ Meherbai: It says ‘short’ naps whereas you have breakfast and doze-off till lunch, after which you snore like a  Ghat Nu Engine  till tea-time! Meherwanji: Maybe that’s why I’m happy despite insomnia at night! Meherbai: What insomnia? After eating and sleeping the […]

WAPIZ Declares Raffle Winners

WAPIZ’s annual raffle (priced at Rs. 100/-), whose proceeds are used for WAPIZ’s various activities, held its Lucky Draw on 31st March, 2017 at the WAPIZ Office, with Trustee, Meher Panthaki picking the winners blindfolded to ensure fairplay. (Video posted on Facebook.) The two lucky winners were Aspi Surveyor and Burges Wania, each winning a […]

German Shepherd Pie!

Ingredients: ½ kg Minced Beef, Chicken or Pork; 2 medium peeled and diced Potatoes; reserve 2 tbsp. of Potato water; ½ cup mixture of diced Baby Corn, Peas, and Carrots (You can also add any other vegetables your dog enjoys eating, excluding Onions, which can be toxic to dogs); 1 cup Meat Broth; 2 pats […]

DPA Celebrates Jamshedi Navroz

The Delhi Parsi Anjuman (DPA) celebrated Jamshedi Navroz with an annual fund-raiser event at the Pirojsha Godrej Cultural Centre Auditorium, Delhi on 21st March, 2017. For the first time, DPA organised a performance -‘Pappa Avaj Hoi Che’ – by Mumbai’s leading Parsi Theatre Group, Dinyar Contractor Productions, and also had the Gujarati community of Delhi […]