Benafsha Soonawalla seems to be fitting in just right in the house of reality show, Big Boss-Season 11, aired on Colors channel. After tasting a bit of fame in MTV shows Roadies and Trackstar, Benafsha, a resident of Godrej Baug, was all smiles during the opening episode when host Salman Khan asked her in his […]
Tag: Zoroastrian
જરથુસ્ત્ર સાહેબના જીવનની ઝાંખી
ખોરદાદ સાલના પ્રસંગે તમારી સામે આપણા તેજસ્વી જરથુસ્ત્ર પયગમ્બર સાહેબના જીવનની અને ભણતરની એક વિશિષ્ટ ઝાંખી રજૂ કરી રહ્યા છે.‘પ્રોફેટ’ માટેનો ફારસી શબ્દ પેગમ્બર અથવા વક્ષશુર છે (પહલવી શબ્દ વક્શવરના શબ્દ પરથી ઉતરી આવ્યો છે જેનો અર્થ થાય છે) ‘ભગવાનના શબ્દોનું વહન કરનાર’. આપણે જીભથી પવિત્ર મંત્રોનું ઉચ્ચારણ કરીએ છીએ એટલે જીભ દ્વારા ભગવાન તરફથી […]
Energy And Divination
Has there been a time when you have woken up and known that something was not going to be right? Or maybe that today was going to be a very important day in your life? People have told me in hindsight that they did not feel ‘right’. They were anxious, on edge, not being able […]
Men Of La Mummo-Chachcho
I am surprised, nay shocked, Meherbai and her vociferous, or is it voracious, baug-brigade has not censured all the verbal diarrhoea that is being spewed out by the so-called leaders of our destiny, of our Bharat, i.e. India. Hungry for power, these leaders(?) use a language that would make a sailor blush! Elections seem to […]
Meherbai And The Story Of ‘25 Slaps’
At their usual Chai-pe-Charcha session, this time at the US Club at Colaba, Meherbai’s Mandli drove the waiter crazy (so what’s new?) with each one ordering a different dish and different preferences ranging from “Don’t put salt!”, “Put more salt!”, “No Ajinomoto in the soup!”, ” Yes, more Ajinomoto!”, “Make it sweet!”, “No sugar please!”, […]
Zoroastrian Powerlifting Championship
It’s that time of the year when young and veteran Zoroastrians start pepping up for a Muscle-show. Parsis have always been big names in powerlifting and bodybuilding sports, and this championship takes the legacy forward by entering into its 5th successful year. Conceptualized in 2013 by Roozbeh Balsara of DPCG, partnered with the trustees of […]
USA Gets First Zoroastrian Judge
Indian-American attorney, Firdaus Dordi was recently appointed to the Los Angeles Superior Court by California Governor, Jerry Brown, making him the nation’s first Zoroastrian Judge. A former public defender and co-founder of the Dordi, Williams, Cohen law firm, Dordi said “I am fascinated by the principles of fairness in this country, and hope to ensure […]
The Essence Of A Zoroastrian Marriage
The scriptures not only encourage, but, enjoin marriage, including for the clergy. Ordinary priest or a High Priest, a married priest is considered a better priest. Vendidad (4.47) states: “O Spitama Zarathushtra! Indeed, I thus recommend hereunto thee A man with a wife above a Magava (Holy man), A man with a family above one […]
Thou Art Our Nearest And Dearest, Ahura Mazda
Start your weekend with positive vibes with inspirational excerpts from the acclaimed book, ‘Homage Unto Ahura Mazda’ by Dasturji Dr. Maneckji Naserwanji Dhalla of Karachi. Thou art enthroned on the highest heights, thou art seated in the deepest depths, Ahura Mazda. Thou art in the immensity of space and thou art in the millionth part of […]
Navsari Celebrates Age Old Tradition
Most cultures have a distinct way of pleasing the Rain Gods to ensure a healthy monsoon. Navsari keeps the Zoroastrian tradition of pleasing the Rain God by having young Zoroastrian boys going around town, collecting uncooked rice, dal, oil, ghee and water from residents. This collection is done while simultaneously reciting: “Ghee khichri no paiso, […]
Sizzling Summer Camp By WZO
The World Zoroastrian Organisation Trust Fund (WZO) held its sixth annual Summer Camp, organised by the Navsari Local Committee, at Bai Dosibai Kotwal Parsi Orphanage, Navsari, from May 3 to May 8, 2016. Fifty Zoroastrian youth between the ages of 7 to 14 years, participated, including thirty boys and twenty girls from all over India. […]