Dae Mahino, Khorshed Roj, which falls on Thursday, the 24th of May, 2018, marks the day known as ‘Zarthost-No-Diso’, or the day that our beloved prophet, Zarathustra left the earthly, mortal life to re-unite with Ahura Mazda. On this day, special prayer sessions are organized, with prayers and religious discourses hailing the great life and miracles of our great Prophet, Zarthost Saheb.
Observed as a solemn occasion, religious ceremonies and services are held in Agiaries or prayers are offered in a simple fashion at one’s home. Relevant prayers marked for ‘Zarthost-No-Diso’ include the ‘Afringan’ and ‘Baj’ ceremonies (performed in a fire temple) or one can also pray at home the ‘Stom -No-Kardo’, taking the name of prophet Zarathushtra and his ancestors and family members. You can also recite the lines ‘Ustano Jato Atrava Yo Spitamo Zarathushtro’ 101 times – which means ‘we are thankful to Dadar Ahura Mazda for sending prophet Zarathushtra to this earth as an ‘Aathravan’ (priest).’
Considered as the very first Prophet of the world, Zarathustra lived amongst the people, bringing peace and happiness to all. It is said that, when he had accomplished what had sent him to do, his time to leave the world arrived and he reunited with Ahura Mazda. Though there has been a debate on the time and period of his birth and the way he died, Zarathustra is known to have spent three decades of his life at King Vistashp’s court, till the time of his death at the age of seventy-seven. There has also been much speculation as regards the death of our Prophet. Some historians, going by the Shahnama, believe that Zarathustra was killed at the altar, during an invasion by the Turanian Army in the storming of Balkh. However, others speculate that the person killed was not Zarathustra, and that Zarathustra was killed by a strike of lightning.
The version vetoing that, suggests that Zarathustra was praying in a fire temple when the murderer planned to strike him but before he could, the murderer was himself struck by lightning, that was conjured via divine intervention. After this Zarathustra ascended into the sky. And yet another story speculates that he died in his sleep having lived up to a ripe, old age.
Beyond his religious significance, Zarathustra had influence on other modern-day practices. The Greeks regarded Zarathustra as a philosopher, mathematician, astrologer and ‘magician’. (The word ‘magic’, derived from the word ‘Magi’ – who were a caste of priests who followed Zoroastrian customs). It’s also regarded that Zarathustra taught astrology to the Babylonians, and that the seven-day week was created by their circle, in light of (their belief of) seven planets.
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