ZWAS Rings In New Year With New President And Surat’s 6th Parsi Directory

ZWAS (Zoroastrian Women’s Assembly Of Surat) has been keeping all our Surtis all charged up with its delightful sequence of events lined up. In August 2019, a Prayer Competition was organised at Pak Kadim Atashbehram, where the children exhibited their religious fervour with great devotion and dedication. The Prayer competition was judged by Er. Navroz […]

Dasturji Kookadaru Saheb

. A simple man, one who lived a humble and yet exalted existence. Dastoorji Kookadaru Saheb, the divinely smiling photograph in all Agiaries and Atashbehrams belies the lofty status of the revered Dastoorji Saheb. Kookadaru Sahebji and his life is perhaps the most recent recorded history that we have, which proves beyond any doubt, the […]