Scout participants Rayaan Dadiburjor and Rayan Deventri of Sethna Scouting Society and 6 IST participants Jehangir Foroogh of 32 West Bombay and Vistasp Pochara, Hoshedar Pochara, Khushroo Pastakia, Baeshaz Pastakia and Sohrab Sethna from Sethna Scouting Society, represented India at the 24th World Scout Jamboree, which was in West Virginia, USA, last month. The Jamboree […]
Tag: Society
Vispi Balaporia Elected Asiatic Society’s First Woman President
On 31st August, 2019, the 215-year-old Asiatic Society of Mumbai got its very First Woman President, after 78-year-old Professor Vispi Balaporia won the election to the post, securing 107 of 163 votes. This is a major milestone in the society’s two-century-old history, which has had women as office-bearers, vice-presidents and honorary secretaries hitherto. In addition to Vispi Balaporia’s Presidentship, the Asiatic Society […]
Cyrus Todiwala Becomes MCS Ambassador
Parsi born Indo-British chef proprietor of the popular ‘Café Spice Namasté’ and Celebrity Television Chef, Cyrus Rustom Todiwala, has joined the Marine Conservation Society (MCS) as an ‘Ocean Ambassador’. Having been a ‘Seafood Sustainability’ campaigner for many years, Cyrus is the first chef to become an ocean ambassador for the charity. As per the ‘Undercurrent News’ report, Cyrus stated, “I […]
THSC Organises Treasure Hunt
The Tata Housing Sports Club (THSC) organised a Treasure Hunt on 2nd September, 2018, with 5 teams comprising 5 participants each. Commencing at 8:00 a.m, the hunt included seven stages within the periphery of Mahim to Colaba, finally concluding at Tata Housing Society at 1:00 pm. Organised by THSC volunteers, the event included a ‘Scavenger […]