There are times when one receives news so overwhelmingly unacceptable that it is impossible to process or digest its reality. It leaves you numb and in a state of utter despondency just trying to come to terms with it. And that is how it has been for most who learnt of Kaizzad Capadia passing away […]
Tag: Zoroastrian
Submitting My Resignation As Trustee Of BPP Was The Only Honorable Option!
At the meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Bombay Parsi Punchayet (BPP) held on Tuesday 12th October 2021, the Chairman Mrs. Armaity R Tirandaz declared that elections to fill the two vacancies on the Board due to the passing away of Zarir Bhathena and later the resignation of Yazdi Desai shall now be […]
Destroying The BPP Legacy …One Tuesday At A Time…
Even as it goes against my grain to speak up at variance with my fellow trustees, especially Chairperson Armaity Tirandaz, my greater loyalty lies in being transparent with the community and hence, I am putting this forth in the public domain… This Tuesday, 11th October, 2021, was the final nail in the coffin. Ten days […]
From the Editors Desk
Doing Our Bit Dear Readers, The success and prosperity of every collective unit – be it a family, a society, a community or a nation – depends on each member doing his/her bit. While the roles of different members, assuming different positions in these units, are interchangeable, the responsibilities are not. For instance, in a […]
Pearl Sanga, Sinaiya Presswala Awarded ‘Asia’s Woman Leaders’ by WWLC
On 6th October, 2021, the World Woman Leadership Congress (WWLC) honoured Pearl Sanga and Sinaiya Presswala with the prestigious ‘Asia’s Woman Leaders’ Award. Both are dynamic Directors at The Della Group, founded by entrepreneur Jimmy Mistry. Pearl Sanga was felicitated for her exemplary leadership in managing multiple teams and leading them to scale new heights. She […]
Caption This – 9th October
Calling all our readers to caption this picture! Winning Caption and Winner’s Name Will Be Published Next Week. Send in your captions at by 13th October 2021. WINNER: Shah Rukh: My son didn’t do drugs – I say he’s being framed! Salman: Just like I never drove the SUV – my driver was ultimately […]
Jeannie Naoroji – Architect Of Indian Fashion Industry – Passes Away
Jeannie Naoroji, considered by many as the architect or the first lady of contemporary Indian fashion, passed away in Mumbai, on 3rd October, 2021, at the age of 96, leaving behind a staggering legacy. Fashion choreographer and mentor to innumerable yesteryear models and supermodels from the 1960’s – 1980’s, Naoroji bowed out of the industry […]
Mumbai Poetry Festival – 100 Thousand Poets for Change – Concludes
The tenth edition of ‘100 Thousand Poets for Change’ Mumbai, (September 24 – 26, 2021), hosted by Kitab Khana and curated by Menka Shivdasani, featured the popular children’s programme coordinated by Rati Dady Wadia, former Principal, Queen Mary School, and children’s author Katie Bagli, alongside readings by global organisers. The children’s programme began with a […]
How To Get Over A Breakup… The Right Way!
With 10th October, 2021, marking World Mental Health Day, here are some insightful ‘Pearls’ of wisdom which will help the healing process and empower you to move on post a break up, in a holistic, healthy way. Losing a bond with someone we once loved often feels like losing a part of ourselves, along with […]
TechKnow With Tantra: Microsoft Editor
Microsoft Editor is your free and intelligent grammar, spelling, and style checking writing assistant. It moves with you across sites like LinkedIn, Gmail, Facebook, and others including Word docs, providing you intelligent writing assistance, advanced grammar and style checking on clarity, conciseness, formality, vocabulary, and much more with premium. When you install the extension, a dimmed […]