It’s that time of the year when young and veteran Zoroastrians start pepping up for a Muscle-show. Parsis have always been big names in powerlifting and bodybuilding sports, and this championship takes the legacy forward by entering into its 5th successful year. Conceptualized in 2013 by Roozbeh Balsara of DPCG, partnered with the trustees of Naryman Dubash Foundation, Rustom Jasoomoney, Hutoxi Doodhwala and Viraf Panthaki, every year our youth showcase their raw strength, while many other community members come in large numbers to encourage this sport. This year’s attractions ‘Body Beautiful Demo’, ‘Ascension Fitness’s – Kettlebell Games’ will surely attract a large audience, followed by a contributory dinner. The organizers thank and value the support of all their sponsors who have made this championship possible year after year.
So see you all on April 8th, Saturday 2017 at the DPCG ground.
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