New Playground Inaugurated
On 21st December, 2019, the Zoroastrian Association of California (ZAC) celebrated the sacred Amardad Parabh as well as Children’s Day, starting with a Jashan at 11:00 am, in honor of Amardad Ameshaspand, ably performed by Er. Zerkxis Bhandara and Er. Jal Birdy.
After the Jashan, Er. Zerkxis spoke on the meaning and understanding of ‘ameretat’, as immortality, and its insight into what that meant to us, regardless of our mortality. As the Jashan was sponsored by Dr. Farhad and Houtoxy Contractor on Children’s Day, Er. Bhandara talked about keeping our legacy immortal by passing on the good teachings and traditions to our children. This was followed by distribution of boi, chasni and refreshments.
Er. Zerkxis Bhandara also inaugurated a new playground on ZAC’s premises, with a Humbandagi recited by all, after which the children did the Sagan and ribbon-cutting of the playground. A delicious lunch of curry-chaval was served thereafter.
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