With graduation ceremonies being cancelled or turned virtual around the world, due to the mandatory restrictions of the ongoing Pandemic, students have been denied celebrating on of the most important occasions of their young adult lives – their Graduation Ceremony, which marks the fruitful culmination of all their years of hard work and study which lead to their well-deserved achievements.
In keeping with this, ZYNA or the ‘Zoroastrian Youth Of North America’ will be hosting a historic ‘Global Zoroastrian Virtual Graduation Ceremony’ to commend and celebrate the momentous academic occasion for the Zoroastrian youth from all around the world, on 18th July, 2021! Through this event, our young graduates will be able to celebrate their feats with our worldwide Zoroastrian community!
The very first ‘Global Zoroastrian Virtual Graduation Ceremony’ will feature Zoroastrian youth speakers, the procession of graduates, followed by a Humbandagi. The event will be graced by eminent Zoroastrian trailblazers – Jimmy Mistry, Dr. Mickey Mehta and Dr. Karishma Koka.
ZYNA’s Global Virtual Graduation Ceremony When: Sunday, July 18, 2021 Time: 8:30 PM India | 8:00 AM Pacific | 11:00 AM Eastern| 3:00 PM UK | 8:00 PM Pakistan | 7:30 PM Iran | 11:00 PM Hong Kong, Singapore and Perth Australia | 3:00 AM – New Zealand (July 19th) Where: ZOOM Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/91592803735?pwd=bDdqL2pvUzlIcEsyZXlmbm14dzcydz09 Meeting ID: 915 9280 3735 Passcode: ZYNA
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