Film Review: Jojo Rabbit

War films have a (c)harm of their own. New Zealander Taika Waititi’s screenplay, based on Christine Leunens’s 2004 novel ‘Caging Skies’, has an earthy kind of appeal to it. Amidst the destruction of war and comedic elements are layers of tenderness and the human touch, fringed by a 10-year-old’s understanding of what constitutes a Nazi […]

Jashan, Humbandagi And Religious Lecture At Indawalla Agiary

Nestled amongst the bylanes of Dhobhi Talao lies the 176-year-old Avabai Ardeshir Kharshetji Wadia Agiary, commonly known as Indawalla Agiary. Despite having the hallowed Anjuman and Wadiaji Atashbehrams as its neighbours, Indawalla Agiary manages to attract its faithful band of devotees, especially on Daepadar Roj, when Er. Darayesh Katrak delivers his discourse, preceded by a […]