WZCC Pune Holds AGM

The World Zarathushti Chamber of Commerce (WZCC), Pune Chapter held its Annual General Meeting on 14th September, 2018. Chairperson Mahrukh Bharucha announced that she would be stepping down and handing over the reins to senior member, Tehmasp Bharucha. Attended by committee members, Adi Siganporia, Xerxes Dastur, Adv. Jamshed Mistry and Diniyar Marolia from Global, India […]

Maleficent Youtube Video Sparks Outrage Within Community

. The last week has our Community outraged as a misleading video went viral across social media platforms disparaging our community. The video (on youtube) claimed that Zoroastrianism promoted marriages amongst siblings! Hosted on a Youtube channel called, ‘Anup Ki Duniya’, the video shows glimpses of our navjote and lagan ceremonies with a male voiceover […]