Buddhist Philosophy And Its Four Distinct Groups Of Humankind

Buddhist philosophy refers to the ancient Indian philosophical system of the Buddhist religion. It comprises all the philosophical investigations and systems of inquiry that developed among various schools of Buddhism in ancient India. Buddhism combines both, philosophical reasoning and the practice of meditation. Buddhist religion presents a multitude of Buddhist paths to liberation. Buddhist thinkers […]

XYZ Holds Sizzling Summer Camp 2023

 XYZ (Xtremely Young Zoroastrians), the community’s leading non-profit organisation which aims at the all-round, social and cultural development of the community’s tots and teens, held its fun-filled, week-long Summer Camp 2023, from 21st – 27th May, 2023. The camp offered all participants a wide range of activities including indoor and outdoor experiences, which helped boost […]

Salsette Parsi Colony Celebrates First Annual Day

 On 13th May, 2023, Salsette Welfare Association (SWA) conducted its very first Annual Day function at Salsette Parsi Colony, showcasing the talent, unity and spirit of the colony resident. The evening comprised a spectacular array of entertainment, featuring diverse and impressive performances by adults and young tots, leaving the audience spellbound, with displays of gymnastics, […]


Dae Mah Jashan at Ashburner Agiary A Dae Mah Jashan will be performed at the Seth Cowasji Maneckji Ashburner Agiary on 4th June, 2023 (Roj -Daepdin, Mah Dae; YZ 1392), at 10.00 am. All Parsi/Irani Zoroastrians are warmly invited to attend. ————————————————————————————————————————————————- Sett Agiary To Hold Dae Mah Jashan Sett Maneckji Nowroji Sett Agiary (Bazar […]