Zenobia Nadirshaw Awarded MBE

Professor Zenobia Nadirshaw, from the University of West London, received the MBE (Member of the British Empire) Award, by Prince Willian at the Buckingham Palace, for her services to people with learning disabilities and mental health treatment. Nadirshaw is a consultant clinical psychologist with forty years of clinical and management experience in NHS (National Health […]

Varzavand Dadachanji Ordained Navar

(Er.) Varzavand Hormuz Asphandiar Dadachanji completed his sampoorna Navar prayers from the Dadar Athornan Institute and was ordained Navar on May 21, 2019, at the Vatchagandhy Agiyary. Varzavand was ordained by his grandfather, Er. Asphandiar Dadachanji and Mama Er. Darayus Bajan. The ceremony took place under the leadership of Dasturji Dr. Firoze Meherji Kotwal. Varzavand […]