Meherbai’s Lock-Down And Meherwanji’s Knock-Down!

Ever since PM Modi’s speech on being self-sufficient i.e. ‘ atma-nirbhar’, there has been no peace in Meherwanji’s life. He got up early one morning to brush his dentures but couldn’t find the Colgate in the basin-cabinet… Meherwanji: Colgate nu manjan and mouth-wash kya-chey? Meherbai: Manjan na karo! I have thrown both out of the window. Meherwanji: Why? Meherbai: Colgate is not an […]

Gone But Not Forgotten

Film stars are larger than life and live life King-size. However imperfect their lives may be, they inspire awe, passion, frenzy and a huge fan-following during their lifespan. But in death, they zoom to iconic positions, thanks to their fans taking an added interest in their body of work. Radio-stations, TV, newspapers, magazines share lesser […]

Meherbai’s Mandli Discusses ‘How Did You Guys Meet?”

In these hard times, Meherbai’s Mandli met every evening to do elar pelar and gaam-ni-gossip. They also held Antakshri sessions when all the kagras hurriedly flew away hearing their besura voices! Once, they also had a Jokes’s Eve, when all the husbands flew away like the kagras  because all the wives cracked jokes on their husbands! The limit was reached when Koomi Kajwali said, “My […]