Dr. Cyres Mehta Honoured With ‘LEADING EYE SURGEON OF INDIA’ Award By M’tra’s Hon. Health Minister And Governor

Consistently setting new standards and breakthroughs in expert eye-care, Dr. Cyres Mehta’s legacy is celebrated for its path-breaking advancements in eye-care – nationally and internationally. His contributions have delivered great strides in the treatment of some of the most complicated eye diseases. Constantly growing his repertoire of prestigious awards bestowed upon him, from India as […]

The Explanation, Application And Impact Of Our Prayers Through Mithra, Manthra And Yasna

“The prayer performed with sincere heart and pure intention serves for us a very powerful weapon against the wicked, and against superstitious and frightful thoughts. True prayer produces in us a sort of heroism and thereby we become powerful to prevent, to a great extent, hardships arisen against us. When all the daevas and drujas […]

Meherbai’s Mandli Meets Over Lunch!

The khanar-pinar, farnaar-harnaar, masti-majha-karnaar Mandli met for lunch at their usual South Mumbai club for lunch. Firdos-Fituri was absent since he had gone to Delhi to open a State Bank of India account after reading the account-opening form. Nergis the nosey-parker: Why Delhi? Mrs. Firdos Fituri: Obviously!! Because the form said. ‘Fill up in capital’. So, he went to Delhi! […]